Since February 2021, I’ve been publishing a newsletter with a curation of reflections, global good news, original content (such as my podcast), and recommended gems. I’ve found this to be as good if not better of a medium as social media to engage and stay connected with my audience. 🙃
Below is an attempt at a list of clients & collaborators as well as publications of my work through the years.
Clients & Collaborators
Decult Trust (NZ)
Cherish Christchurch (NZ)
HappenFilms (NZ/AU)
Feathered Pipe Ranch (US)
Rawlogy (US)
Arthur Travel Health (CA)
The Aroha Project (NZ)
Daniel Healing Arts (DE/MX)
Regeneration Field Institute (Ecuador)
Visionary Permaculture (US/CA)
The Altruistic Traveler (AU/Global)
Conscious Impact (Nepal)
Ministry of Awesome (NZ)
ChristchurchNZ (NZ)
TEDx Christchurch (NZ)
School of Wonder (US)
WARC Consulting (Global)
Delaware Today (US)
Permanent Publications (UK/Global)
Redefined Films (US)
Beacon Food Forest (US)
GigaWatt Inc. (US)
TEDx San Diego (US)
National Geographic Spain (Spain)
G.R.O.W. Grace Refuge Outreach Worldwide (Thailand)
Pasture 42 (US)
Magnolia Inn Panama (Panama)
La Red de Mentoras Panamá (Panama)
Global Brigades (Panama/Global)
Exhibitions & Presentations
“A Story of Sustainability in Rural Nepal” - Hub, Socialtours, Karma Coffee; Nepal
"Free your inner farmer" - Museum of Agraian Art, OC Fair; California
“Finding Purpose Through Travel, Service, and Photography” - PechaKecha Christchurch, New Zealand
"8th International Forum on Food and Nutrition" - Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition; Milano, Italy (for Beacon Food Forest)
"3.5 Square Meters: Constructive Responses to Natural Disasters" - Museum of Art Tel Aviv, Israel (for Conscious Impact)
"Edible City Seattle" - Museum of History and Aviation; Seattle, Washington (for Beacon Food Forest)
"Reflections 25.4.15" - Patan Museum, Nepal (for Conscious Impact)
"Subtledream Photo Exhibit/Galería de Jonathan Lee" - Casco Viejo, Panama
Conscious Impact
“We Did It! 5250 Coffee Trees Planted”LA Yoga “Conscious Impact: Living Yoga in Nepal“
More than Lyme “To Always Be Continued: Rewriting the Story - One Word, One Pose at a Time”
Greening the Rubble “Philipstown Hub gathering place “Kotahitanga" officially opened”
ChristchurchNZ "The Canterbury Report Spring 2017" "Student Volunteer Army answers call for help in Roxburgh"
Turn It To Trvl “Conscious Impact Nepal”
Obras "Un ladrillo ecosustentable para la reconstrucción de comunidades"
Permanent Publications "Forest Gardening in Practice" by Tomas Remiarz
Future Wise “Announcing Our 2017 Livable Communities Awardees!”
urbanNext "The Brickmakers of Nepal"
1889 Magazine "Creating Community Through Permaculture"
Ontrak Magazine Fall 2016
Delaware Today "A Man for All Countries"
Central Co-Op Seattle “Central Community Partners: Community Leadership” “These urban farmers want to feed the whole neighborhood — for free”
Gaiacraft Advanced Permaculture Course
United Indians of All Tribes Foundation "Indigenous Peoples’ Day"
Capilano University "Aboriginal Storytelling Festival"
"One Thousand Launch National Climate March from the Port of LA"
"Call to Action California: How to Solve the Climate Crisis"
"XL Dissent: Activists Speak Out for Clean Energy, Mother Earth"Great March for Climate Action Sacramento
La Prensa Panamá “El lente de Jonathan Lee”
National Geographic Go Blue Isla San Cristóbal
La Red de Mentoras Panamá Facebook page
Movement Exchange
Earth Train 'Programs in the Mamoni Valley Preserve of Panama'
Global Patriot
Rainforest Action Network
National Geographic Go Blue
In 2011 I had the opportunity to work with La Red de Mentoras Panamá, and was invited out to the Bocas del Toro region of the country to document the work that the indigenous Ngöbe (Ngäbe) people on one of the islands are doing in setting up an eco-tourism business along with the mentorship of a Peace Corps. volunteer as well as a businesswoman from Panama City. The photos from our visit then became featured on Nat Geo's Go Blue Central America sub-site to promote conscious tourism that conserve local culture and ecosystems. (Article link)
United Indians of All Tribes Foundation - Indigenous Peoples' Day
During the first couple months of my relocation to Seattle, Columbus Day was renamed Indigenous Peoples' Day (and Coast Salish Day in the nearby Bellingham, WA) to recognize Native American culture and to commemorate the history of natives and indigenous peoples worldwide. A gathering of well over 200 people representing dozens of tribes from as far north as Alaska and as far south as Central America (perhaps even South) at the Daybreak Star Cultural Center will remain one of the most powerful moments I have witnessed. The showcase of camaraderie, unity, support, and the music, drumming, and chanting on top of the amazing salmon dinner were absolutely incredible. The photos that I captured that evening are now shown on their website. (Page link)
National Geographic España Viajes
Extremely humbled and thrilled to have had my image (bottom image) from Poás Volcano in Costa Rica be featured in the March 2014 issue of National Geographic in Spain. Above is the screenshot from their website. The editor sent me a physical copy, and the image in the magazine was printed on a 2-page spread. What joy to see it in print in Nat Geo! (Article link) - Beacon Food Forest
Between late 2014 to early 2016 I was actively involved with the Beacon Food Forest project in Seattle, Washington state. Beyond the sheer nature beauty of the surrounding region with its year-round flowing streams, glaciated mountain peaks, and thick evergreen forests, this urban garden with a grand vision kept me happily in the city. Many articles have come out about the permaculture-inspired food forest since it was simply an idea, but this one in particular is special to me because was one of the environmental (and satirical) news blogs I read regularly when I was attending university and getting involved with social and environmental issues. (Article link)